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Our research makes humane birth control possible for all animals. 


Spay FIRST! was formed to focus solely on eliminating the overpopulation of unwanted dogs and cats that live in chronically poor communities globally. We are based on the premise that animal suffering affects the animals, the communities they live in, and the young people who grow up around them. We foster compassion.


Spay FIRST! leads the way in the research of non-surgical fertility control products for “street” dogs and other animals.


We engage top experts in the fields of...

  • Reproductive science,

  • Quality control,

  • Regulatory matters and

  • Logistics to move forward faster.


Extermination is never the answer. Our extensive research and streamlined development replaces killing with top-notch science…and compassion.  


​Partnerships with governmental and non-governmental organizations (NGO's) move our research forward in order to prevent litters by bringing low-cost, non-surgical fertility control options to the field.


Spay FIRST! brings the compassionate solution to the wild horse herds of America.  Without fertility control, horse herds can double in size every four years. Learn more at for use in management of wild horses, an iconic species that has been subject to removal, dispersal and even eradication. Limited rangelands, with limited water and fragile flora, cannot support ever-expanding numbers of horses. Our non-surgical fertility control allows them to remain and thrive. 


We are on the cusp of low cost injectable fertility control options for street dogs and feral cats. 


Keep an eye out here and on Spay FIRST! social media to see exciting updates on our research that will save the lives of dogs, cats, horses and burros! 

Support our work today.


The numbers are staggering.


There are an estimated 250 million unwanted dogs worldwide.  Between three quarters and 90 percent of all dogs will have no veterinary care during their lifetimes. Surgical spay/neuter remains the gold standard. However, in chronically poor and undeveloped areas around the world, the logistics of safe surgeries for dogs and cats is daunting; a more innovative solution is required. Our research is geared toward low-cost treatments and regulatory approval that gets effective products to those who need them the most.  



Celebrate Spay FIRST! Hero Dogs



Spay FIRST! research dogs come from high risk situations or rural shelters, mainly in the southern U.S., where they have little to no chance of adoption. While in our care these dogs live in 600 square foot pens where they acclimate to more interaction and learn the basics, like walking on a leash and “sit.”


A Hero Dogs’ participation in this vital research helps street dogs who otherwise suffer in silence. After research is completed, the dogs are surgically spayed or neutered and transferred to high quality private shelters in the northeast. A loving adoption process includes careful match-making, and includes a “take back” policy if the new family can can no longer care for the dog. A lifetime safety net is ensured for each Spay FIRST! Hero Dog.


This relationship is a win-win for all of our wonderful research dogs and for homeless at risk dogs worldwide.


Contact us for more information on adopting a Hero Dog.




Initiated fund raising to support research on non-surgical contraceptives in conjunction with the rabies research department at US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 


Spay FIRST! was a presenter at the First International Symposium on Dog Population Management sponsored by World Health Organization (WHO).


Initiated research on GonaCon®, a hormonal contraceptive that works in many species. Further research was needed on dogs and cats and Spay FIRST! lead that effort. We have conducted safety/efficacy studies since that time, becoming the largest U.S. based researcher of canine non-surgical fertility control options that are patented in the public domain. 


Initiated extensive research on injectable calcium chloride, an unpatented veterinary compound for male dogs. Following extensive research this work was terminated in 2018. Although there was some success, logistics surrounding the availability of properly trained veterinarians in remote underserved areas led us to refocus on other solutions. 


Licensed the patent to GonaCon™ for use in management of feral horses. The EPA registration process was completed in 2018. Initiated research on a chemosterilent for female dogs. We continued our research on hormonal formulations for canine contraception and opened a full time research position 


Hired Jeff Kemp, Ph.D, molecular biologist, as a researcher and coordinator of our research and development programs and partnerships. 


Received approval for the sale of GonaCon EQ from EPA. Our research on hormonal and non-hormonal formulations for canines continued.


A protocol for a feline study was approved and became underway in 2020 and will continue into 2021. 


A protocol for a feline study was approved and became underway in 2020 and will continue into 2021. 

© 2021 Spay FIRST!, Inc. All rights reserved. SpayFIRST! is a 501C3 and your donation is tax-deductible to the fullest extent by law. 

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