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Did you know that cats and dogs can get pregnant as young as four months old?

Let’s debunk the old myth about waiting until pets are six months old to spay them. There are approximately 135 million dogs and cats in the United States. The Humane Society has estimated that there are 23 million dogs living in the United States in underserved areas. Of those, 87% are not spayed or neutered and 77% have never seen a veterinarian. 

Image by Hanny Naibaho


age at which cats and dogs can become pregnant


dogs living in poverty stricken communities in the United States


cats and dogs euthanized in US shelters every year


What is the leading cause of death of dogs and cats in the United States?

Due to being unwanted or lack of owner resources, euthanasia remains the leading cause of death of dogs and cats in the United States. Between seven and eight million unwanted dogs, cats, kittens and puppies enter U.S. shelters each year. Over half will be euthanized. 


Many shelters have moved to a "no kill" designation which can be misleading. Although these shelters rescue many animals their admission requirements and limits leave many cats and dogs with nowhere to go. 

Which areas are in need of help the most?

Rural areas face some of the biggest challenges and often have the fewest resources to address them. Remote spay/neuter programs help animals and the communities they live in. Rural environments vary greatly from compact urban centers. Clinics require different approaches to community outreach and operations in order for them to be successful. Spay FIRST! is here to help! Issues facing people in chronic poverty impact the animals that share their lives. That’s why Spay FIRST! needs your support to help create spay/neuter programs in the most underserved areas of our nation.

Image by Daniele Franchi

Why do households delay having pets spayed or neutered?

Households earning under $35,000 per year often delay having pets spayed or neutered due to a lack of resources. Over 40% of US households fall under this threshold. For spay and neuter clinics to have a significant impact they must be affordable and accessible (within 40 miles). Financial resources and lack of access should not limit the ability to spay or neuter dogs and cats. Spay FIRST! leads the way in educating on cost effective solutions that reach ALL communities. 

Is there statewide coverage of spay/neuter programs?

Statewide coverage of low cost spay/neuter programs exists in less than ten states. Many households have nowhere to go to get their pets spayed affordably before an accidental litter is born. Spay FIRST! can change that!


© 2021 Spay FIRST!, Inc. All rights reserved. SpayFIRST! is a 501C3 and your donation is tax-deductible to the fullest extent by law. 

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